How Important Is a Presidential Candidate’s Age?
Next Avenue
People are asking if a president can be too old. Michael “Mick” Smyer, a Bucknell psychology professor, is co-author on this op-ed, …
Next Avenue
People are asking if a president can be too old. Michael “Mick” Smyer, a Bucknell psychology professor, is co-author on this op-ed, …
The Sydney Morning Herald
In her book, Never Enough: the Neuroscience of Experience and Addiction (released in Australia this month), Bucknell psychology and neuroscience professor …
The List
Human beings are naturally driven to flirt with those to whom we’re attracted, whether we realize it or not. This story reports that …
Next Avenue
Graying Green founder, Bucknell psychology professor Michael “Mick” Smyer, says Older Americans Month needs a refresh in this op-ed. …
Innovation Hub from WGBH & PRI
As a recovering addict and neuroscientist, Judy Grisel learned that she was especially vulnerable because she was genetically predisposed …
Inside Higher Ed
The national higher education media outlet reviews the book by Bucknell psychology and neuroscience professor Judy Grisel, Never Enough: The Neuroscience …
Brain in the News, Dana Foundation blog
Judy Grisel, a Bucknell psychology and neuroscience professor, shared her compelling story of 25 years of addiction …
The Philadelphia Inquirer
A psychology professor at Bucknell University, Judy Grisel recently published Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction, a narrative of …
WGN Radio
Judy Grisel, professor of psychology and neuroscience at Bucknell, joined WGN Radio’s Karen Conti during this interview to talk about addictive behavior …
USA Today
In less than 25 years, marijuana has gone from illegal everywhere in the United States to legal for at least some uses in …
The Hill
In this op-ed, Bucknell psychology professor Michael “Mick” Smyer contends that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and some young visitors missed an opportunity …
Bucknell psychology and neuroscience professor Judith Grisel shares her story and science of addiction in her book, Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of …
Science Podcast
In the monthly books segment of this weekly podcast, books editor Valerie Thompson talks with Bucknell psychology and neuroscience professor Judy Grisel …
NPR Fresh Air
Bucknell psychology and neuroscience professor Judy Grisel was a featured guest on this edition of “Fresh Air” with legendary host Terry Gross …
A recent national survey conducted by the Bucknell Institute for Public Policy found that President Trump’s performance in office is influencing whether voters will …
Scientific American
While the devastating consequences of addiction pervade the daily news, Bucknell psychology and neuroscience professor Judy Grisel discusses how our distant ancestors may …
Houston Chronicle
As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, Bucknell psychology professor Michael “Mick” Smyer writes in this op-ed that the relevance of …
Some health and academic researchers, including Bucknell psychology and neuroscience professor Judy Grisel, urge in this story to have New York slow down …
USA Today
Bucknell psychology professor Michael “Mick” Smyer, the founder of Graying Green: Climate Action for an Aging World, writes in this op-ed …
APA Monitor
This article profiles, Mick Smyer, a psychology professor and geropsychology researcher at Bucknell, who discusses how he is tapping the considerable power of …
Michael “Mick” Smyer, a Bucknell psychology professor and founder of Graying Green: Climate Action for an Aging World, authored this op-ed, …
The Morning Show – Global News Toronto
Bucknell psychology and neuroscience professor Judy Grisel provided a scientific take on the legalization of marijuana in Canada …
Psychology Today
Judy Grisel, a Bucknell professor of psychology and neuroscience, debuted her new “The Science of Drug Abuse” blog with this post …
Michael Smyer, a professor of psychology at Bucknell, authored this op-ed on how the clock is ticking for humanity due to climate change, …
Scientific American
In advance of the Rise for Climate Global Day of Action on Saturday, September 8, Bucknell psychology professor Michael “Mick” Smyer authored this …
The New York Times
Mick Smyer, a psychology professor at Bucknell and a fellow in civic innovation at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design …
Judy Grisel, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Bucknell, contributed to this story, which assesses the health benefits and risks involved with …
This story explains how the Cherokee Nation plans to screen thousands for the hepatitis C virus. Judy Grisel, a professor of psychology and …
Food Management
Due to Bucknell’s sustainability/waste diversion push on campus, research monkeys and baboons can now enjoy bits of fresh produce that would have otherwise …
The Press of Atlantic City
In New Jersey, desperation for marijuana revenue might lead lawmakers to take hasty and unreasonable risks with public health. This …
WPGM Radio
This radio segment discusses how Bucknell is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its animal behavior program. Psychology professors and animal behavior researchers …
The Washington Post
Judy Grisel, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Bucknell where she is a practicing neuroscientist, assesses the current debate over …
Psychology Today
In his latest “The Mate Market” blog, Bucknell psychology professor T. Joel Wade discusses how eyes can play a major role in …
The Associated Press
In this story about the Cherokee Nation’s fight to eliminate hepatitis C, Bucknell psychology and neuroscience professor Judy Grisel discussed how a …
Scientific American
This story highlights a new series of studies, led by Joel T. Wade, professor of psychology, on the best strategies for …
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience Judith Griesel was interviewed for this segment about her addiction research on the susceptibility of binge drinking. …
Business Insider
Professor of psychology Joel T. Wade provided insight in this article about the differences in partners’ willingness to reconcile. …
FOX 56
In this interview, Professor of Psychology T. Joel Wade says that Valentine’s Day is a good day to celebrate love, so long …
Newsradio 1070 WKOK
Listen here to Professor of Psychology T. Joel Wade, who discussed his science of attraction research and issues involving relationships on …
The Prevention Conversation
Gender and the biology of the brain may make some women more likely to reach for a drink when they feel stressed …
Psychology Today
In his latest “Mate Market” blog, Bucknell psychology professor T. Joel Wade writes that your friends’ romantic partners can help us choose …
Psychology professor Anna Baker provides advice in this story on what families should consider when choosing a place to live. …
NBC News
Bucknell psychology professor Anna Baker is among the experts providing advice in this story on how to stay informed without damaging your mental …
The dating scene in each city is unique. Bucknell psychology professor Joel Wade provides some expert advice on where best to look for love …
Bucknell psychology professor Anna Baker has always been interested in the overlap between mental health, people’s behaviors and their overall health, and she’s profiled …
Psychology Today
In his “The Mate Market” blog, Bucknell psychology professor T. Joel Wade examines what determines men and women’s self-esteem, providing new insights …
Autism Parenting Magazine
Repetitive behavior? It’s all relative. In this story, new research from Bucknell and David Evans, professor of psychology, illustrates …
Kimberly Daubman, a Bucknell psychology professor, explores the keys to happiness in this Q&A. …
Reader’s Digest
Joel Wade, Ph.D., a Bucknell psychology professor, focused on how men and women react to relationship situations in a new study, profiled …
Professor William Flack, psychology, offered advice about how employers can curb stress in the workplace in a article listing the most …