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Emma Frawley ’17 Garners Top Poster at Recent Symposium

Emma Frawley ’17 was one of five Bucknell University students that attended the 2016 Pennsylvania Botany Symposium held in State College last month, and one of her posters about her recent research garnered the top honor among all undergraduate posters at the event.

Frawley, an environmental studies major, presented two posters. The winning one was about the evolutionary history of tree species in the maple family, which she completed during her summer internship at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History.

Nic Diaz ’17, Dan Hayes ’18, Nathan Luftman ’17 and Mae Lacey ’18 also attended the symposium along with Professor Chris Martine, biology, and Burpee Postdoctoral Fellow Jason Cantley.

Established in 2012, the Pennsylvania Botany Symposium is a biennial event. This year, it included 180 participants, including 28 students presenters.

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